Discipline is a powerful word. As youngsters we know it to mean something negative, like getting in trouble, a trip to the principal's office. As we get older, we begin to see it in a different light.
Discipline starts to mean self-control.
We see it play out in people's lives. We see those who have little discipline seem to go up and down in life. And, we see those who seem to have a lot of discipline seem to always come out ok, always be steady, always be prepared. And as a result, they are the ones who stack up the gains, the goals attained. You never see them too up or too down and they don't seem to be sweating anything. They seem at ease and sure of themselves. What they have created is:
Freedom Through Discipline.
Discipline is the methodology, methodical, way of living that leads to freedom. How interesting and simple! By 'restricting ourselves' and being disciplined, we create freedom. Freedom through discipline.
Freedom from what? From being discombobulated! From being hurried. From being unsure, unprepared, caught off guard. Freedom from the X factor of the unknown. You have created your life, you know the limits, you know the potential, you are on sure footing. At least as sure as one can be in this life.
Freedom from not knowing.
I remember how I felt when I was a child and could not yet read. It bothered me that I couldn't read, I felt left out and I wanted to know what everything said. I needed to know. I had to know. So I went beyond my school class and learned to read. I asked questions, I stumbled over words, but I got it. It didn't even feel like discipline, but it was.
Discipline creates freedom. Nothing is left to chance, therefore you can be an even greater improvisor.
Discipline is everything. Everything stems from it.